Alpha Course – Reporting Back

About a month ago we finished our latest Alpha Course. We have run eight Alpha Courses over the last three years at Everyday Church. And while they have all been brilliant, it is safe to say the four we have run since March have been the most interesting! Restrictions on gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic meant we’ve hosted these courses online.

It takes a certain amount of bravery to join a Zoom call with a bunch of people you don’t know. But I’m glad so many of our guests summoned the courage to join us week on week.

Each week across our courses on 10 Tuesday and Wednesday evenings this last term we have had about 20 guests join us. Each with their own stories. One of the joys of Alpha is taking time to get to know individuals. It is always wonderful to see people become friends as we discuss faith in Jesus together.

We exist as a church to help people discover God’s love for themselves. We want to introduce them to Jesus. It’s such a joy to see people doing actually this! At least three people said they committed their lives to Jesus during this last course, with many more saying they found the course fun, informative and encouraging.

Here are a few quotes from our guests from our last courses:

 “The whole Alpha was fantastic for me. I would and do recommend to others.”

“Our hosts were excellent and both their knowledge of the bible and their individual experiences made Christianity become more real for all of us week by week.”

“Every week something very rich came out of the individual sessions. Holy Spirit Saturday was pretty mind blowing. And ultimately what came out of it was a commitment to devote my life to Jesus.”

 “It put me back on track with God and reminded me that I am loved.”

At Everyday Church we run Alpha as a 10-week course. It explores many of the massive questions we all have about God, life and faith. It’s a place to come and seek answers to our honest questions.  If you would like to attend the course as a guest you can sign up here:

You will also find stories there of those who have completed the course recently, and loved it!