Hi, my name’s Adam and I’m the Kids Ministry Leader at Everyday Wimbledon. I’ve been attending Everyday Church for about 18 months and I’ve been working in the 0-18’s team for just short of 9 months. The time has just flown by!
I first moved to London in February 2014 when my wife started working for a music company based in Farringdon. I was born and raised in a small town just north of Cardiff in the South Wales Valleys, so coming to a massive city like London was a bit of a culture shock! The first 18 months of living here was tough, with no family around and being in a job I didn’t see any real future in. But God has really blessed us by bringing us to Everyday Church where I have met some fantastic friends and have had great opportunities to lead and disciple others.
I was brought up in a Christian home and I’ve attended church from as far back as I can remember, so my relationship with God started at a very young age. The church I grew up in was very small and, with an average age of about 65, there were very few young people. We did however have a Sunday school which was run by a few older ladies who took on the responsibility, and they had a vital role in my spiritual upbringing. Their example showed me how important kids work is within churches, because it is a fantastic opportunity to draw these young ones to Jesus!
Since leaving school, I have primarily worked in maintenance and construction. So I had little experience of working with kids and youth before September. At the age of 28 I never thought I’d take a completely new path. I sometimes wonder what my ex-colleagues would think if they saw some of the things I get up to now in kids work! I find it so amazing how God can use the most unlikely of people.
Looking back at my childhood in church, we didn’t have a big building with lots of resources or the latest technology. But what we did have were a few people who were willing to invest time into loving us and teaching us truth from the Bible, and this is what I want for our children here at Everyday Church.
I’ve learned so much since starting in September, everything from leading a kids team on a Sunday to the day to day office admin during the week. It’s been a steep learning curve, but God has been faithful and he’s patiently walking me through this journey step by step.
My vision for Everyday Kids is that it’s a place where children can come together, have fun, establish friendships within church and are able to share their struggles. But most importantly, that they get to encounter God and establish a solid foundation in Jesus! Could you be one of those willing people to come and join us? If so, contact me using the Connect form on our website, and I will get in touch and help you get involved.
Adam Hodges
Kids Ministry Leader
Everyday Church Wimbledon