Fighting For Your Marriage

Ronald Reagan said: ‘Marriage is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like to be married’.

Across four Thursday evenings in June, we ran a Marriage Course, devised by Care for the Family, for seven couples who wanted to M.O.T. their marriages. We provided a romantic setting, complete with candlelit tables for two, with a drink and cake at half-time. 

Our guests watched two 20-minute videos, with 20-minute conversation breaks in between for couples to discuss the topics contained in the videos.

…it was a fantastic opportunity for them to fight for, invest in, and enrich their marriage.

The course reminded couples how to create and sustain a strong and loving relationship. Whether newlyweds or married for years, it was a fantastic opportunity for them to fight for, invest in, and enrich their marriage.

Key themes and topics explored:

The four sessions looked at how married couples can grow together by learning to:

  • Cherish: Exploring how we could really value our partner, how we could express our love for each other, and how we could show our partners that they mattered to us. We found out how to discover what made our partner feel really valued and how we could keep our love alive over the long-haul.

  • Connect: Learning to understand and accept each other, whether we are very alike or have huge differences, and to communicate well and to connect at a deeper level.

  • Collaborate: Discovering how the happiest marriages are those which choose to work together as they face challenges and handle conflict well when disagreements arise. We learnt some of the common pressures that couples face together.

  • Commit: Learning that the choice to commit can hold a relationship together. We reflected on the choices we can make to put our partner first, to protect our marriages and to stay together come what may.

Overall, an excellent course with love at its core. At the end, couples asked whether this could be an annual event, confirming that a couple of hours, once a week for four weeks, can get your marriage up and running with new energy and commitment!

Email if you would be interested in attending our next Marriage Course.

Malcolm & Jane / Valorie & Roger