1,057. That’s how many emails come up if I search my account for the word ‘logistics’. I went back to the earliest ones listed and there it was. Email number five, from Lesley Woods:
“Pete has mentioned that you would like to join a logistics team – thank you we are very grateful“
That was over 8.5 years ago, and I’ve been on a logistics team ever since. I’ve changed a lot since the shy twenty five year old who joined Lesley’s team, but there’s one thing that’s remained constant – I love logistics. But why? After all, it’s just about dolling out cups of tea and coffee and moving chairs around, isn’t it? Ah … how wrong can you be!
It’s all about God
It was never about the coffee, the chairs or the communion. Sure, good coffee served with a smile goes down well; chairs that are in the right place at the right time is a big plus; communion bread and wine being readily available is important. But it was never about them. It’s all about God.
“Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under His power, and that He had come from God and was returning to God; so He got up from the meal, took off His outer clothing and wrapped a towel around His waist. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around Him.” John 13:3-5
You probably know this. Jesus got up and washed his disciples’ feet. Jolly decent of him, really. Their feet would have been filthy; what humility! But hold on. “Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that He had come from God…” There’s an obvious conclusion to that sentence, one we wouldn’t think twice of offering up. I mean, that’s what servants are there for, isn’t it? It’s not like it’s demeaning; that’s just the way things work. But Jesus shocks us – He washes His disciples’ feet. Now that’s surprising enough, but what about this:
It was not in spite of His greatness but because of His greatness that Jesus served His disciples on that evening.
Just take a moment to think about that. “…but because of His greatness that Jesus served…” It’s baffling, isn’t it? It throws our worldly way of thinking upside down. Oh how we laugh when Novak Djokovic beckons a ballboy to sit beside him at a change-of-ends, offers him a drink and holds a parasol over his head to shield him from the sun. But it was because of Jesus’ greatness that He served his disciples. And John 13:15 calls us out:
“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
We’re called to serve, just as our Lord and Saviour explains. Not begrudgingly or dutifully, not only when we can’t avoid it and with a mere modicum of effort but joyfully. Joyfully! That fruit of the Spirit that’s required of us (Galatians 5:22, Philippians 4:22); that all too rare pinnacle that lifts us from our self-imposed introspection and makes our spirits soar; that true elixir that lifts our weary soul:
“Oh for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and King
The triumphs of His grace.”
In our joyful service we realise our purpose in life: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Yes, that means in the loftiest moments of our lives but, perhaps more importantly, in the mundane week-by-week, month-by-month backdrop too. That’s why I do it. That’s why I love Logistics.